Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, also known as The Force Unleashed, is a LucasArts video game and part of the The Force Unleashed project; other The Force Unleashedproject developers and publishers include Dark Horse Comics, Lego, Hasbro, and Del Rey Books. The Force Unleashed was initially developed for the PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3,Wii, and Xbox 360 consoles and on the iOS, second-generation N-Gage,Nintendo DS, PlayStation Portable, and Java-equipped mobile phone handhelds. The sequel, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II, was announced at the 2009 Spike Video Game Awards.

The Force Unleashed is a third-person action game in which the player's character's weapons are the Force and a lightsaber. Developers treated the main character's lightsaber like another Force power, and wanted to ensure "something visceral and cool" happened with each button-push. The game has a combo system for stringing lightsaber attacks and for combining lightsaber attacks with Force powers. Experience points earned by killing enemies and finding artifacts can be used to increase Starkiller's powers and traits. The gameplay is intended to be easy to learn; the development team included "horrible" gamers to help ensure the game's accessibility. Players can casually run and gun through the game, but the game rewards those who take a stealthy, more tactical approach. The game includes enemies that are easy to overcome; game difficulty arises from presenting these enemies in large numbers that can wear down the player's character. Additionally, enemies learn from the player's character's attacks; using the same attack on different characters can sometimes lead to the player's character doing less damage. The enemies, which number over 50, have various strengths and weaknesses; developers faced the difficulty of effectively placing them throughout the game's varied environments.


Minimum System Requirements

Operating System: Windows XP SP3, Windows Vista SP2. Windows 7
CPU Processor: 2.4 GHz Dual Core Processor (Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD Athlon X2)
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Hard Disk Space: 23.8 GB + 1 GB Swap File
Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card
Video Card: 256 MB Radeon HD 2900 Geforce 8800
Mouse and keyboard or Microsoft Xbox 360 Wired Controller

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